
Vanilla, strongly-typed store accessor.

You might choose to customise the accessor function using the helper function useAccessor. You pass this an object with state, actions, mutations, etc. Child modules are within a modules property.

Injecting a custom accessor

import { useAccessor } from 'typed-vuex'
import { InjectKey } from 'vue/types/options'
import { Context } from '@nuxt/types'

import * as store from '~/store'
import * as submodule from '~/store/submodule'

type Inject = (name: InjectKey, property: unknown) => void

export default async ({ store }: Context, inject: Inject) => {
      modules: {
If you are using a custom accessor in a Nuxt project, bear in mind that useAccessor used on its own will treat modules as non-namespaced unless they include namespaced: true.

Typing your custom accessor

You can use the helper function getAccessorType to access the type of the accessor you've generated - by passing it the exact same object that useAccessor receives.

It gets compiled down to () => {} so there is no performance hit.

import { getAccessorType } from 'typed-vuex'

import * as store from '~/store'
import * as submodule from '~/store/submodule'

const accessorType = getAccessorType({,
  modules: {

// Now you can access the type of the accessor.
const accessor: typeof accessorType