Dynamic modules

Vanilla, strongly-typed store accessor.

You can also use typed-vuex with dynamic modules.

Sample module

export const namespaced = true

export const state = () => ({
  emails: [] as string[],

export const mutations = mutationTree(state, {
  addEmail(state, newEmail: string) {

Accessing the module

You might want to use the store

import Vue from 'vue

import { useAccessor, getAccessorType } from 'typed-vuex'
import dynamicModule from '~/modules/dynamic-module'

const accessorType = getAccessorType(dynamicModule)

export default Vue.extend({
  data: () => ({
    accessor: null as typeof accessorType | null,
  beforeCreated() {
    // make sure the namespaces match!
    this.$store.registerModule('dynamicModule', dynamicModule, {
      preserveState: false,
    const accessor = useAccessor(this.$store, dynamicModule, 'dynamicModule')

    // this works and is typed

    // but you might want to save the accessor for use elsewhere in your component
    this.accessor = accessor
  methods: {
    anotherMethod() {
      // ... such as here
      if (this.accessor) {